Holy Spirit Intensive

with Jane Schroeder

October 1 | Live in Bremen, GA

Livestream available

Register Today

Holy Spirit Intensive Registration

Who is the Holy Spirit? What is He? Is He a third entity in the triunity of the God-head? Is he the Creative Force, the power of the Creator through which everything came into existence? Comforter, Friend, Breath, Wind, the Wild Goose. He's known by many names and characteristics, but remains a beautiful mystery.

We invite you to join us live as we dive deep into a relationship with Him. Through worship, teaching, and intimate time spent with Him, we will pursue His heart. You won't leave the same.

A ticket to this one-time event includes:

  • Access to the live event
  • Teachings and Activations with Jane Schroeder, Mark & Kate Wilburn
  • Worship with Kate Wilburn
  • Access to the livestream (Due to the intimate nature of this event, it is unlikely the Zoom chats will be monitored.)
  • Recordings of the sessions once they're made available


*Parents bringing children, please be sure to read the disclosure toward the bottom of the page before purchase.


Livestream Only

Jane Schroeder:

Jane lives in Scotland, the UK. She has two grown up children and is nana to baby Arthur. She is a fiery lover of Jesus whose intimate walk with God has led her into the depths of the mysteries of YHVH and the heights of heaven. Fuelled by her passion and desire for Jesus and for others to know his love, Jane walks God's sons into their destinies of kingship, dimensions of heaven and eternal bliss. Jane is a prophetic seer passionate about prayer. She devotes her life to the heavenly realms.  As an international speaker, author, poet, song writer, a truly wild adventurer.

Jane longs to see heaven on earth, experiencing some crazy awesome face to face encounters with her father, Abba God. She has a deep desire to see more of the miracles healings in everyday life just like the Desert Father and Mothers walked in Celtic Monastic Communities. So in the spirit of the greatest revivalist, Jane would love for us to ‘go after God with all we’ve got’ together on this crazy wild glorious adventure to see the wild islands align into their fullness, destiny.

Event Schedule

1 Day Intensive

9:00am - 10:00am  

Worship | Lead by Kate Wilburn

10:00am - 12:30pm 

Teaching and Activation | Jane Schroeder, Mark & Kate Wilburn




Teaching and Activation | Jane Schroeder, Mark & Kate Wilburn

Due to the nature of the Holy Spirit, we are not mandating specific session times.

You're welcome to come and go as you need for bathroom or refreshment breaks.

Travel and Accommodations


The closest airport is Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport, and Bremen is about a 50-minute drive west.


Exact venue address will be determined closer to the event date. Venue size will be determined by number of registrants.


In order to keep ticket costs low, food will not be included in the intensive. We will break for lunch and there are several restaurants close by (Bremen is a small town).


There is a Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn Express and a few others in Bremen. There are many other options in Carrollton, GA, just 20 minutes south.


We will make livestream available via Zoom and those links will be given to you upon ticket purchase.


Children are the most powerful beings on this planet, because they carry purity and light in depths that we cannot comprehend. It is imperative that they experience the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit experience them. This is a family event, so please feel free to bring your children! However, childcare will not be provided.

*Parents who bring their children, we invite you to experience the Holy Spirit with your children without fear of disrupting His movement--He is not discouraged by their play and noises. We do, however, ask that you supervise them well, for we want to be good stewards of the venue we are using, and want to avoid accidental damage (ie. spills, breaks, clogged toilets, etc). By purchasing your ticket, you understand that you will be responsible for any and all damage caused by you or your children.

Contact Us

Email: support@neoscdg.com

*Note: Venue address will be emailed closer to the event date, as registration numbers will determine venue size.